
every piece is a reflection.

Art is a reflection of the Self,

the only true remembrance of

what is, what was.


I keep on falling towards Epitome,

keep on falling down. I don’t know.

There needs to be dull mundanity,

discipline. Slow and melancholic,

with a walkway twisting into a

funny head. There is not much time,

not to perform. Heed the warnings

of the clashing steel and fiery sun,

my patient child. You need the

serene hours, the warm palisade.

You will be vomiting syringes soon,

wearing a suit. Presence, with no sugar.

The odyssey of observation, looking

at people looking at people. Kissing

foreheads. Drinking honey.

Accepting vulnerability (it is what it is)

and listening to the words. There is no

Being. Come forth, march home. Do.

Be gracious in your embrace and look.

I don’t know what forever is but hold

your hands together, for god’s sake.

In motion, spitting, staring.


I need to be alone. I want to sit

on my chair and be alone. I need time to think.

the vision

what is important?

vision’s distorted

in this empty valley

desperate echoes rally


the strong and the weak

in this

bleakness they seek

the clearest vision

an illusion of a grand mission


give them a reason to run

to pronounce that their journey has finally begun!

rejoice in the light past the tunnel

escape the valley and leave its trouble


what is important?

vision’s distorted

and to clear the fog that impairs and chains one only needs to look at their reflection


I am of the personal belief that in order for us to really grow as people, we have to self-reflect from time to time. Often times when self-reflecting, you’ll notice some of the good and bad habits that you’ve fallen into, and that’s okay. Part of reflecting is realizing that you possess both good and bad traits, and striving to improve upon the good and get rid of the bad. Are you trying to be a better person? What have you done to further that? What have you done to hinder that progress? It’s a never-ending continuous cycle that is best defined as life. We won’t ever only possess good traits, as after all, the bad is part of us too, but that doesn’t mean we should stop trying to be better. We’re a mix of everything that life has thrown at us, and I doubt anyone has only had positive experiences. We go through bad times, but the bad times always come to an end, and when they do then it’s time for some reflection. Using whatever we learned from our experiences, we grow and blossom into the beautiful flowers we’re meant to be.

However, reflection doesn’t solely lie in ourselves, but also the people around us. Who are we surrounded by? Are they supporting us? Reflect on the relationships that you have developed throughout your life. The ones you have currently – which of them are good? Which are bad? The ones that you have lost, can they be brought back? Do you wish to bring them back? We meet so many people throughout our lives, so making sure the ones we do develop a relationship with are actually people we want to spend our time with is essential.

Overall, in every facet of life, reflection brings a level of self-awareness otherwise not attained. Learning to be the best people we can be, forgiving ourselves for past mistakes and regrets, and surrounding ourselves by people we love leads towards a life of fulfillment.


Every now and then, I believe that it’s important for me to reflect. To reflect on my values and beliefs, where I am currently in my life, and the people whom I’m surrounded by. It re-energizes me to continue following a goal I’ve set, and motivates me to continually try to improve myself.

Last semester, I’ve had to self-reflect on what I was doing. At a point in the middle of the semester, amid all the constant studying that I was doing, I had to pause for a second. To take a quick breath, and to think about how my days were going. In all honesty, I was operating on auto-pilot. Wake up, go to classes, study, and sleep. A repeating cycle that left me with no real personal value. I understand that the main purpose of going to school in the first place, as some people I’ve met believe, is to get the highest GPA possible and peace out as soon as you can. In my opinion, it has to be better than that. I have to develop personally as well, befriend people who push me to be my best, and to follow any passions that I have. Just spending my time on my academics was exhausting, and to me personally, incredibly boring. Learning can be enjoyable, but JUST learning removes any amount of fun that is carried with it. So I began writing poetry, and now a couple of short stories here and there. I’m currently operating this blog, and bought a camera not long ago. I’m trying to explore as many things as possible that bring me value, one thing at a time, and it’s really fun!

So, reflection can be useful. It puts things in perspective, and it allows you to continue focusing on becoming a better you. These excerpts are informal, and these are really just my thoughts on a webpage, but I do believe that I’ve got something good to say here. Reflection, along with action, brings peace of mind along with joy that you might not expect. Go for it! Have fun with whatever it is that brings you value. Life is too short to be spent in constant boredom.

