
bricks withering with the sorrowful wind.
Decaying corridors and alleys perishing
in distress. One
blazing on broken light bulbs
burning three-piece sofas.
Charcoal imprints staining dusty carpets.
it is said that we will be okay.

          It is said that the children are crying.

Incandescent sailing silver-linings -
flowing gardens of smoky dreams. The 
praises and pours droplets
into tin cups and plastic buckets.
bricks grow out of rainy seeds.

          It is said that idleness is being present.

From: To

When you are early it is natural to hesitate.

I remember, looking, again, at the sky,

and finding only its death. The dead are a guide.

Because, the people, when I ask them, they stay silent.

They are silent by their own choosing, their fists boiling

with air. That is what they tell me, but I hesitate to listen.

Deep inside, not within me, not within you, but inside,

I think there is something. It is difficult to glimpse,

like a flower in a vase. It often pauses, watching

the surface’s empty fabric. But that fabric still holds

something. When I ask the people, they wonder what

I am boiling with. There is no road here, only a few

stragglers too proud to wander. They have agreed

that if the stone does not move, they will become the stone.

These are the curtains behind which stands nothing.

These are the lights burning my nothing. I am uselessly jittering

like sparkling water. Jumping from: to: nothing,

again, deep inside the people’s throats. Falling

from the ground due to rushing and twisting steps.

The same ones twisting into the sky’s death,

coloring the sky black, mute, not nothing,

but the presence of serenity. There is,

within its valley: peace, chaos, shadows.

But am I am still anxious, still self-stirred

with boiling. Still unaware, perhaps willingly,

of sprouting excessive wonder. Unaware

of the spilled ink spoiling my fabric.

The people, they shall not speak. Expecting them

to speak is death. One of them said: Please, what

are you looking for here? I do not have it. Said

there is a stone worth watching. After living a life,

you may write a ten-line poem, and then live. You,

What are you doing? Listen to me when I listen to me.

I am a guide. Do I not fathom

that the dead cannot speak? Do you –

do you not fathom what you have to do?

See – from: to: here: to wander, profusely

sitting, cutting my legs shall they run.

I want to walk and glance lamp posts. To listen

to the breaking of a biscuit within a cup of tea,

watching it, behind the glass, slowly descend

to the bottom, and stay there. To circle previous circles,

forgetting and remembering, observing the slow

melodies guiding, with soft hands, the eternal

search of finding forever. To look at the changing sky,

until it becomes a home, reading its warm pages,

cleaning its carpets, until there is more to see,

more to glimpse at the tearing seams.

Give me a chair. Let me sit.

stubborn old men

Auntie asked Uncle if he could

buy roasted onions from the supermarket.

Uncle got up from his stained sofa

and started furiously roasting onions.

Do you want cancer? Uncle said.

Because that’s how you get cancer.

Auntie asked Uncle if he could

put together the new grill

from Ikea.

Other Aunties and Uncles came

for grilled burgers and kebab.

Aunties said we could just

order burgers and kebab from

a good restaurant instead.

It was 10:00 PM when

Uncles put together the new grill.

Baba bought two new bikes –

a big bright red one for himself –

the other day. He called my

brothers and I outside to

watch him ride his new bike.

He said that he will buy helmets

the next time he goes to the store.

My birthday was three days ago

and my family wished me happy birthday

very loudly. I asked them for



chilly footsteps echo outdoors

the despondent night rushing with each stride

guided by The Omnipotent into the fading room

the ethereal guest eagerly awaits


goosebumps coat pale skin

guts twisted into tight knots

air barely passing through the lumpy throat

uttering greetings to the visitor with no face

as the clocks sing their midnight tunes

forty days since the leaf was dropped


be it as it may!

prayers shall be wheezed

wishes shall be pleaded

approaching the epilogue’s sorrowful conclusion


dandelions espy from the vase

not a gasp uttered, not a brow raised

when the tea cup broke against the wall

glass shards scarring soft innocent skin

dripping crimson staining hollow corridors

nostalgic memories replaced by ambulance sirens

grappling loudly with angry cries and screechy tires


bidding farewell to days gone past

slumping in the silent darkness

dandelions dwindle in the vase

perusing splattered Persian carpets


a glimmer of light announces its presence

no hope found within its hard clutches

entering the abandoned corners of dwelling shadows

their claimed abodes lined with shards of glass


drooping wilted dandelions wither

imparting dreadful glances of frailty

soon to be struck by the resenting palms of rage

soaking crimson alongside a broken vase

crackling fireplace

the crackling fireplace welcomes its visitors

sharing stories of their melancholy evenings

craving nourishment for the starving soul

afflicted by a damning curse of hunger

solely borne within a heart of solitude

locked with a long-forgotten key

lost in the painful memories of yesteryear


residing in the collective sorrow

the solidarity fostered through rainy evenings

finds harmony in the exposed suffering

revealed by the nurture of the crackling fireplace

as they remember the sunlight of days long-gone

jazzy blues

decorated cubicles remain quiet

under the blinking fluorescent lights

an impersonator of the metropolitan

confined to walls of beige

the 925 train shall arrive tomorrow

its damped countenances longing for a crash

their strained eyes hiding the exits

magnifying the strangers’ reflections

drinking the hidden elixirs of happiness


in the blood splattered station, amid wallowing cries

the 925 calls its final passenger

playing the melodies of the jazzy blues

due for dimly-lit contemplation

each seated in their rightful position

inspiring the little voices to wake up tomorrow

to fulfill their grand promises towards those

tucked warm under the fuzzy blanket

lost in translation


allow me to share my confessions

take a chair and await my permission

to closely listen to this concoction

composed with no contradictions

these words deserve your attention

for suspension is the art of immersion

and in this ring I lead the conversation

my bloody fists obliterate any opposition

the leader of the free world seeking domination

rushing to the stage to plot the revolution

I am the master of Rhyme, the only solution

to the troubling state of mental pollution

my brethren, cleanse your eyes and begin your mission

neglect the downfalls of the past and chase after your vision

rewriting your story through this literary improvisation

spoken immaculately in coordination

with rising ambitions quickly rushing

donning me with the velvet gown of diction

the audacious prognosis has led to fruition

under the spotlight, I am fixed in position

to speak my mind for eternity with newfound motivation

for here I am, swimming deep in elation

the king of the jungle, approach at your own discretion


in one breath my story’s conviction

reaches its final destination

this masterpiece is lyrically determined

undoubtedly the emperor of rhyming

this message better not be lost in translation


shall we play?

sixty four blocks patterned

alternating across the chalky board

wooden pieces governed by the rulebook

oozing their authority and prestige

their locked doors are due for an opening

to all who are gifted with wit


so shall we play? again


you’ve got your time in the sun

but for how long, my dear?

I can hear the rain swallowing the keys

of your almighty pride and great sorrow

for the blind can see

it’s high time the king willfully surrenders

certainly and inevitably

strong convictions undoubtedly

carry the power to move a thousand suns

through the silent calamities of the universe

to where their light shines brightest


our fickle imagination is a greater source

of suffering than our realities

the fear of the unknown paralyzes us

much greater than the unknown itself

doubt is not a welcome guest

simply cluttering the foggy mind


to pass through the echoing chambers

of cynical disbelievers

wear the royal steel of conviction

and march forward to the battlefield

for certainly and inevitably

all things shall fall where they rightfully belong